About Ning

Graduated from BA (Hons) Fashion Design in Degree at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ning Lau formerly worked as the Vice President of fashion retail JOYCE group from 2007 to 2013. Before she joined the retail industry, she was the founder and editor of “Store Magazine”. In 2011, Ning published her bilingual book, “My Treasures”, which was sold in Hong Kong, Paris Colette, and Milan Corso Como.

Ning finally dived into the art of handmade dolls in 2015, turning her love for dolls over the years into a full-time passion. She made dolls that are hand-sewn from scratch, giving them quirky and unique characters that reflect the modern life. Her handmade dolls have appeared in numerous collaborations and brands, as well as local and international exhibitions.


Ning was invited for doll collaboration with different organization and brands, to name a few: Vika Gazinskaya with TSUM in Russia, Moynat (LVMH) VIP doll workshop, “Fashionally Collection” project of HKTDC, Shu Ueumura X Kitsune limited cosmetics collection, JOYCE christmas collection 2015, Hong Kong Ballet 2020/2021 virtual ambassador program, Hong Kong Tatler limited collection 2021, M+ Museum (Asia’s top museum of visual culture) Madame Song Limited edition 2023…etc. Her first doll exhibition <Lazy Susan> was held in Oct 2015, followed by a large-scale doll exhibition <Susan & Friends> in The Peak Galleria shopping mall in Hong Kong. “I love Hong Kong” doll collection series was shown in Design Gallery of HKTDC (Hong Kong Trade Development Council)  in Jan 2017.

“Pocket Doll” hand-painted vinyl doll was launched in 2018, it marks a new era of her doll making journey. <You and Me> doll solo exhibition was held in Oct 2019 in Tokyo followed by <Dream and House> exhibition in Nov 2019 in Hong Kong.

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畢業於香港理工大學,於2007至2013年間擔任時裝零售巨擎 JOYCE的副總裁,主理市場傳訊及創作部。在加入時裝零售界之前,她是潮流雜誌《士多》出版人之一,並曾任時裝雜誌編輯。2011年出版雙語書藉《私收藏》,於香港及海外生活時尚店Colette(巴黎)及10 Corso Como (米蘭) 發售。

ning work place

2015年她正式投身娃娃創作的藝術領域,將多年來對娃娃的愛好化作工餘作業,以過往修讀時裝設計時所獲得的縫紉知識,一針一線全人手縫製出不同性格的女生角色,細緻刻畫出現代人的各種有趣性格及心態,先後獲不同組織及品牌邀請合作進行各種形式的創作企劃,更於2015年底於香港舉行首個個人娃娃展覽 Lazy Susan,翌年三月獲山頂廣場邀請舉辦 Susan & Friends 的大型商場娃娃作品展。香港貿易發展局旗下的香港設計廊邀請Ning 於2017年1月舉行她的娃娃作品展,並首次發售一系列娃娃產品。

屢次與國際設計師、品牌及組織合作推出限量娃娃系列或企劃,包括:Shu Ueumura X Kitsune、香港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet 2020/2021 網絡代言吉祥物、JOYCE聖誕限量系列、遠赴俄羅斯高級百貨公司TSUM與設計師Vika Gazinskaya合作品牌十周年企劃的娃娃展覽、LVMH集團旗下的Moynat 尊貴客戶私人活動、Hong Kong Tatler 限量娃娃系列(2021)、亞洲最大視覺文化藝術博覽館 M+ 的限量系列 (2023 Madame Song 大型展覽)⋯⋯等等。


2018年Ning由布娃娃的創作伸延到「Pocket Doll」的新增系列,在她自訂並生產的Vinyl Doll上手繪出不同個性的面孔,不定期接受個人化特別訂製,Pocket Doll 自誕生起大受娃娃收藏者歡迎,每次限量聯乘出品也甫發表便短時間內售罄,2019 年分別在日本東京舉辦個人展覽《You&Me》及在香港中環的個展《Dream & House》。